General Information
For each of our productions, a play reading evening is held some four to five months before the production opens. This is a social evening to learn more about the play and to meet the director and other members of the Miller Theatre Company. It is usually held on a Tuesday evening in the Studio.
Auditions are normally held on a Tuesday evening and a Sunday afternoon in the theatre a few weeks later. You only need to attend one of these audition days. The director and members of the production team will be on hand to welcome you and answer any questions you may have.
An Audition Notice is sent to members but is also available for downloading from this site via the links below. The Audition Notice contains a synopsis of the play, a description of the characters and relevant dates and contact details. It also contains a list of audition pieces so that any potential cast members can prepare for their audition.
The Studio is located behind the main theatre. Entry to the theatre for the auditions is via the Stage Door at the back of the theatre. Access to the Studio and Stage Door is via the side gate on the right of the theatre (click here for map).
You do not need to be a member to take part in our play readings or auditions. Click on the productions below to find out more details.

Audition: 2pm, Sun 23 Feb 2025

Auditions: 7.30pm, Tues 25 Mar 2025 or 2pm, Sun 30 Mar 2025